How To Name Your Construction Business

When we start a new company on the market, just like when we are going to have a child, the moment of naming a company or service has special relevance, both for us and for the future of what we are going to name.

When we are immersed in the process of creating our company, there are so many things that we have to take care of that we try to do them as quickly as possible, and sometimes we do not stop long enough to think about what aspects. The name that we will give to our company is very important since it will be the denomination by which they look for us and recognize us and it is a fundamental part of our brand image.

We have an idea that is boiling in our heads, something attractive and innovative that we think could be a good business option. After giving it a lot of thought we are able to muster enough determination to start it. Right at that moment we find ourselves immersed in a maelstrom of things to do from which we try to get out as quickly and as well as possible.

In a situation like this and with so much to deal with, it is usually a mistake not to dedicate enough time to things that really require it because they will be of capital importance in the subsequent development of our company. This is the case, for example, of deciding what the name of our company will be. Think that this will be the name by which people know us and the name that will determine the image that we project abroad.

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Why is it important to choose a good name for my company?

No one escapes the fact that choosing a suitable name for our company is very important and that a good choice in this regard can bring us many benefits both in the short and long term:

  • We will be known more easily. When the name has been well chosen, anyone who hears or sees it will be able to know what we do. In this way access to our services will be faster and easier.
  • Allows you to establish a connection with the client. A good name will allow us not only for the client to retain us in their memory in an easier way, but also to be able to establish a link with our brand.
  • It allows us to differentiate ourselves from the rest. An appropriate name for our company can provide us with that plus that gives us our own identity and makes us identify ourselves from the rest of our competitors.

What should we consider to name your business?

In order for our company or business to have a catchy name and to make it easier for us to position ourselves in the best possible way to reach our potential clients, it is recommended that the name that we finally choose be based on compliance with the following criteria that we propose:

  • We need it to sound good. It is highly recommended that the name we choose has a good sound and that it is pleasant to listen to. It is a name that should invite repetition, so it must also be taken into account that it is easy to pronounce. It must sound good to you when you hear it, otherwise, it can generate rejection.
  • Choose a name that is clear. When we decide the name we want to give our brand, we must direct that decision to a simple name but one that makes it clear what we are dedicated to. It is recommended that we avoid being too generic and that we do not try to cover too many markets.
  • Positive names. The fact that our brand is able to generate an emotional bond with our potential customers will help us a lot. To make it easier to achieve this goal, we have to try to stay away from names that may have some kind of negative connotation.
  • A name that suits us. We refer to the possibilities that the name gives us when working with it. It is convenient for us to have a name that gives us the option of making different associations with it or of giving it different meanings. This will help us, for example, when designing marketing campaigns or for the evolution of our brand.
  • Let’s make it easy. Forget about complicated names that not even the most expert of linguists would be able to pronounce. To reach the public, you should make it easy for them. Our name should not generate doubts when reading it, which will prevent there from being different ways of saying it, creating a detriment to us when it comes to word of mouth and retention by our potential customers.

How do I name my company?

Once we are clear about all these relevant aspects when choosing the best possible name for our brand, the time has come to get down to work to do so. To facilitate this process, which can be quite complicated, we propose some steps to follow that can make this process easier.

1. Know your company and try to describe it. The more you know about your company, the easier it will be to describe it and establish concepts that are unique to it. Factors such as the activities, the services to be provided, the way of working or the company’s values ​​will be factors that will need to be defined.

2. Where do you want to go? Once everything that our company is going to be has been described, it is time to consider where we want to go. Having my objectives clear, I can define the identity of my company and with this, in turn, choose a name that is consistent with that identity.

3. Let’s not forget the emotions. Companies that establish an emotional bond with customers have a higher degree of customer loyalty. For this reason it is interesting that we also try to find that link. For that we must consider and decide which are the emotions that we want to awaken.

4. Generate ideas. With all the previous points defined, we can start generating all the names that come to mind. For this we must avoid censoring ourselves at the beginning and produce as many names as possible. There will be time later to make a sieve. If we are not especially creative, we can use the help of friends, family, partners or employees and we can even use the name generators available on the internet.

What do I do after choosing a name for my business?

I have already chosen a name for my company. I have found a name that I like and that also has everything I need to boost my business.

Now, what do I do? It may seem that once the name is chosen this process is finished, but now you should act as an investigator and check that the name is usable. To check if we have really chosen properly, and finally determine that we have chosen a good name we have chosen is not already registered by another company.

Bottom Line

There are a lot of things you need to know before choosing the right name for your company as you need a starting point on what personality you want to project. you can easily choose a catchy company name with this guide.

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